Like most, I am an intense magazine feign, whom laps up most chances to devour articles, photographs and anything that connects with current and constant obsessions. My apartment's walls are utterly lined with alphabetically ordered, numerically categorised magazines. I've always preferred artier, slightly offbeat publications as opposed to glossy main headers who seem to own the sea of print. One such example would be the Vogue Group. Despite my bias to independent mags, I have to say, Vogue Living has been one of my most collected 'staple' (if you like) magazines, and this months issue is a perfect portrayal of why.
Focussing on the concept of travel bridged with unsurpassable art and innovative design, the July/August 2010 issue of Vogue Living, put subtly, is bursting with articles relating to trends which don't just stay within the interior of a space, but also refer to how an individual can take an item, redefine it and give it new meaning.That is, our treasured bicycles have aesthetic, we know that. But they can be brought indoors to challenge their traditional use, and reflect their rider's creativity and feeling. This particular article, "Top Gear", brings to light the possibility of the bicycle, and encourages ownership.
Its not about fads people, its about appreciation.
Authentic appreciation.